Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Newest project!

(c) 2012 all rights reserved.

Designed by Ian Wilson

The newest addition to my project page!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How time flies!

I have, as of yesterday, hit the end of my first month in my 
journey toward becoming a fulltime freelancer within six months!

Now I just have five short months to learn the ropes!

Let's take a look at the list, you know the one that should be on paper but still isn't?

Yeah, that one! (blush)

1) Come up with a business name! (open to suggestions)

2) Create an AMAZING "business plan"

3) Learn marketing skills

4) Continue building design/coding skills

5) Continue building my portfolio

6) Connect to the social media network

7) Start screen casting!

8) Create some WP premium themes

9) F.O.C.U.S. "Follow One Course Until Successful"

Wow! I'm going to be busy! ;)

Check out this amazing company!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Contest Reminder!

Hello readers,

This is just a reminder about our contest.


Design sent to:
August 31, 2012 
12:00pm Central


1) Must be an original idea, cannot be copied!
2) You can work with others to create a design, 

but, they must also receive credit!
3) Must flow with the current blog background.

4) Once sent to me I retain all rights to use the design as

 I choose (with reference to it's creator).
5) I must have received the image 

(through email at: 
no later than 12pm central standard time August 31, 2012.

6) No more than one design per person.

7) The designs need to be sent in JPG or PNG format.


Create a header image for Futuristic Freelancing,
therefore helping the winner get their name out there.


First Place:
Design Featured as the
 header for at least a month.

Blog post with design, creators image, 
and reference to designers site (if desired).
Second Place: 
Blog post with design, creators photo, 
and reference to designers site (if desired).
Third Place:

A thank you email for participation.

Help designers friends get noticed for their skills by sending them to this think.

Monday, August 13, 2012

My BIGGEST management mistake yet!

Today, while messing around with a site I'm working on...I deleted a whole page!

Just because I forgot to double check!

"measure twice, cut once" even applies to web design!

So, I'm here to tell you to make sure your files are arranged in such a way you can find what you're looking for when, you're looking for it! 

And always double check!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Learn logo design!

Since this months theme seems to be header/logo 
design (completely unintentional by-the-way),
I thought I'd post the link to this udemy course about logo design.

My Thoughts:

This course is pretty good, goes from the client's brief, through to the finished product.
Has great content, both video and documentation.


It's on sale for $22 (51% off) through August 18, 2012!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to make coding easier for you brain!

Hello readers,

This post is going to talk about how to make coding easier on your brain.

1) As WordPress so wisely put it "Code is Poetry!"
If you like writing or even reading poetry, look at/read your code as such.
See how it all flows and works together to create a "masterpiece."

Note: With Css files, something I'm working on learning is to 
come up with a method of writing it, and stick by it!



2) Try to learn something new every day, week, month (however, your schedule permits).
Or, if not something new, a new way of doing something you already know.

3) Take breaks on regular intervals (trust me this is important), there are many programs out there to help with this problem that a lot of designers struggle with.
One of which is Dejal-Timeout (Mac users).

4) Make sure to drink plenty of water, and set up a workout that you do every day!
(This is the big one that I have to work on)
Your brain will function better if you're healthy and hydrated!

5) Just Code for the Fun of It!


Don't forget to tell your friends about us!

Got designer friends needing somewhere to start?
Send them here: "Our first contest!"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How do I get your name out to the public?

There are quite a few ways of getting noticed in the freelancing world,
One is just advertising your website/service (spending money);
another is business card and brochures (spending money);
but one of the best way I can think of is using a Job board (like "99 designs").

The reason?
Well it's simple actually, while doing designs you can be 
making money, as well as building your skills!

Also once you win a couple of jobs you can use you simple 
profile url (like this:
to show people what you can do!


Remember to tell your friends and family about us!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Our first contest!

Welcome to our first ever contest!

The Goal:

Create a header image for Futuristic Freelancing,
therefore helping the winner get their name out there.


First Place:

Design Featured as the
 header for at least a month.
Blog post with design, creators image, 
and reference to designers site (if desired).

Second Place: 

Blog post with design, creators photo, 
and reference to designers site (if desired).

Third Place:

A thank you email for participation.


Design sent to:
August 31, 2012 
12:00pm Central


1) Must be an original idea, cannot be copied!

2) You can work with others to create a design, 
but, they must also receive credit!

3) Must flow with the current blog background.

4) Once sent to me I retain all rights to use the design as
 I choose (with reference to it's creator).

5) I must have received the image 
(through email at: 
no later than
 12pm central standard time August 31, 2012.

6) No more than one design per person.


For those of you who aren't designers have no fear!

More contest will be with us soon

Just send me an email with any ideas
you may have for future reference.

Remember to pass the word along to your 
friends and family about the contest!

How important is a header image?

So the question for today is this, "How important is a header image?"

I'm here to tell you that the header is the most important part of your site (aside from the site content), it's just like a book, game or movie; the first thing you see (in our case the header) has to catch the eye of your viewer at first glance.

When it comes to a freelancers portfolio it's all about hooking viewers on their first visit!
Than drawing them to see the other work you've done.

See, if you can create a clean, well-designed, eye catching site for yourself then viewers will see your skill right-off-the-bat and after that.....well, word-of-mouth will carry your services like wild fire.

Quick Note: 

To help you get your name out there you can use services such as ThemeForest to sell designs, or even entire sites to the public!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Name branding

As a freelancer you'll need to come up with a unique name, something that will make potential clients pick you over the other options.

It might take a few tries to find a name that really sticks, but it'll be worth the effort.

Another thing to consider, is instead of buying a theme for your business like some designers suggest; I would suggest building your own! Now, let me tell you why, if you build your own site than when a potential client comes to check out your company not only can you show off all the work you've done like everyone else, but you'll also be able to impress them with your skills right on the home page!

Next social networking is a must!

Start with just emailing/messaging friends and family to tell them you're out there, after you've done that , then tackle the beast (i.e. facebook and twiter business accounts)!

Trust me it works!

Just the other day I was talking to a friend and mentioned that I was offering web-design to friends and family (at the cost of...learning new skills), and he practically jumped at the chance of getting a site built that he's wanted for quite a while.

If you like this site be sure to tell your friends and join us on the sidebar!