Monday, August 6, 2012

How important is a header image?

So the question for today is this, "How important is a header image?"

I'm here to tell you that the header is the most important part of your site (aside from the site content), it's just like a book, game or movie; the first thing you see (in our case the header) has to catch the eye of your viewer at first glance.

When it comes to a freelancers portfolio it's all about hooking viewers on their first visit!
Than drawing them to see the other work you've done.

See, if you can create a clean, well-designed, eye catching site for yourself then viewers will see your skill right-off-the-bat and after that.....well, word-of-mouth will carry your services like wild fire.

Quick Note: 

To help you get your name out there you can use services such as ThemeForest to sell designs, or even entire sites to the public!

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